Khan&Deen is one of the pioneers in dealing with projects in Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Healthcare projects. For more than four decades, the company is continuously extending its professional services to the market for an end-to-end processing and packaging solutions. The key categories are:
Solid Dosage
Semi Solids Dosage
Intravenous Medication
Liquid Dosage
Packaging Solutions
Industry relevant products
Mixers & blenders
Track & trace
Bottling lines
Mixers & blenders
Track & trace
Track and Trace is a regulatory requirement to identify each product in the entire supply chain. This is an integral part of the packaging solutions. Khan&Deen is already having a strong reference in the market in installing such systems.
Bottling lines
Khan&Deen offers highly efficient bottling lines for tablet and liquid applications. Such lines all the regulatory requirements along with precision and accuracy.